IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to (I believe) an html security issue, the text cannot be copy/pasted from the provided version displayed in the browser. The browser version is identical to the downloadable executable. I wish you didn't have to download this thing to use it, but that's the way things turned out. The browser version is provided so you can see how it works without downloading it.

This application has no value on its own. It is for use with Archipelago Manual to randomize your randomizers.

It currently supports 2 games: Holocure and Monster Hunter World. Click the button of the game you are interested in. You will then get three text boxes. Copy the contents of those boxes into the similarly named files in the apworld of the game you are running a Manual of.

In the case of Holocure, the third file is not for the apworld, but is instead for your reference when playing the randomizer.

If you are unfamiliar with Archipelago, check it out at Archipelago. It is a multi-game randomizer that will shuffle items from your game into another game in the same multiworld.

Manual is a system that lets you manually control games that aren't implemented into the main Archipelago project. Check out the Archipelago Discord if you want more information on Manual.


Download 25 MB

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